Pastor’s Blog
All the way back in the year 2000, I sat, glued to my tv in Redlands as I watched the Olympic high dive finals taking place in Sydney, Australia. Against all odds, the American diver, Laura Wilkinson, was in the medal hunt.
The Elders of Paradox Church unanimously voted to commit our church to work of anti-racism in 2020. Every year since then, we reexamine our commitments and update them to meet the needs of our present day.
The Elders of Paradox Church unanimously voted to prioritize the empowerment of women in 2019. Every year since then, we reexamine our commitments and update them to meet the needs of our present day.
The Elders of Paradox Church unanimously voted to be an open and affirming church in 2018. Every year since then, we reexamine our commitments and update them to meet the needs of our present day.
I shared the following words at the ecumenical Good Friday service in Redlands celebrated by several churches from around the community.
This alternate telling is not written to replace the original Biblical text. Rather, this telling is written with the intent to help the reader grow in appreciation of the original story of Jesus' baptism in Mark 1.
The fifth chapter of the Gospel of Mark records a story full of demons, exorcisms, and pigs which, by today’s standards, is unbelievable.
I’m going to start with three disclaimers, then I am going to read from the book of Amos, then I’ll share three stories from Dr. King’s life, and then I’m going to end by asking you to think about a leaky faucet multiple times.
I recently went to ChatGPT, where I typed, “Write a one-minute sermon about artificial intelligence, using Proverbs 4:7 as a supporting verse in the style of Craig Hadley from Paradox Church in Redlands, CA,” in the prompt.